Selasa, 28 Maret 2017


1. A place too put bread jam            
5. 946080000 second        
7. You must think out of the ...!        
8. Condition where you don’t have anybody around   
11. When you hear adele sing         
14. Punctuation mark that you write in the end of the sentence              
15. Tipycal animal of Thailand           
22. Antonym of older         
25. Acronyms of professions who work in hospitals    
26. The characteristic of muslim women        
27. Pronouns for a thing    

2. An animal that can fly
3. Synonim of work
4. A question word to ask a reason
6. Animal that has a monochrome skin
9. Something older than email
10. Emotional ... (Starving- Hailey S)
12. Song : My love - ... life
13. A small card with your identity
16. The highest position in a company
17.Manuk Dodal, Ampar-ampar pisang           
18. Acronym of possesion (you)
19. Synonim of rhytem
20. A car is ... the cupboard
21. When you want to join the grup of your friend usually say ...
23. A good ... will produce a good children
24. The synonym of journey
28. The acronym of subject that study about language

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