Selasa, 13 September 2016

Megantara Festival

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Haaihaai welcome to my blog.
Now i want to tell you about my experience a few days ago.

Saturday, September 10th 2016

It was one day that I waited. Cause my school was held an event called MEGANTARA. This event rarely called too as Cultural Festival. At 13.05 PM i enter and go to Sumatra Island then buying some food was available there. The event at the time it was filled with a chorus of school and alloys angklung. Then around 4 pm i was look the Fashion Show. This event showed many kind cultural of Indonesian. There is Fashion show to show tribes of Indonesian.

A few minutes after that, me , Maisa, Fathya and Nadine want to enter house of ghost. But because nadine want to back home and her father on the way to pick her, So Just me, Maisa and Fathya still in queuing.after around 5 minutes, we thinking again to enter this. Because the queue is still long from us. Then we decided not to go there. So we watching the puppet show. 

After that, i forget what is happening but during the night, after prayers Maghrib, me and my maisa(Cause i don't know where is Fathya) walked quickly to watch T'ST(like drama theatre from 3) the performanced was good, so i'm so interesting to see it. The wisdom that we get of this performance is we must should minimize their foreign cultures coming into our Country.

After that there's performance from OSD (Orkes Semi Dangdut) ITB. They are all very funny shirt. Those guys all but some of they wearing the woman's clothees. LOL. its make me laughing can't be conditioned. They singing many song while dancing. 
AT 07.50 PM 
Okay this is one part of the most performance event we waiting. Yes. The Cangcuters' performance. when they sing we dance together. And i think everybody enjoyed this. And when the song was end we say together "WE WANT MORE!!"

AT 20.38 PM
Then the next performance is from RAN. When they walk up to the stagem everybody around me shout especially girl. then when a girl called Disha walk up to the stage and one of the RAN's member sing to her every body get suprised and shout loudly.

But i didn't see untill the end of this event. Because i and my family want to go to Bekasi. When i look for in instagram many kind of photos describe is so the end of the show was so festive. I slightly regret not follow it to the end :(

So, this is the end of my blog. See u next time
Wassalamu alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

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