Minggu, 09 Oktober 2016

MORAL VALUE from my groups" story

HAAAIII!!! So in this chance i will tell you about my friends' story moral value :)

First from my friend, Adham Sandhy's story about Romeo and Juliet
The Moral Value is Sacrifice we have to do because we love someone then True love is eternal

Rizka Nakulo's story about The Legend of  Toba Lake
The Moral Value is we are not allowed to insult others  and we must to submit the message entrusted to us.

Farhan Anugrah's story about The Legend about Sangkuriang
The Moral Value is we should not be selfish, but should think before doing an action.

And my story is about The little Riding Hood
The moral value is children should obey their parents and that they should never talk to strangers. Even stranger is very friendly afford to have bad intentions.


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